
Hey Moms! This is how Pregnancy & Postpartum Physical Therapy looks...

There are many benefits of physical therapy for soon-to-be moms!

By Rehab 2 Perform March 10, 2023

In this Video, Dr. Kelly Yates gives you a tour of our facility, discusses what to expect, and what your plan of care may look like for Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Therapy at Rehab 2 Perform.  

There are many benefits of physical therapy for soon-to-be moms isn't just about managing discomforts - it can also be a great way to stay active, fit and healthy during pregnancy. Here are some benefits of pregnancy physical therapy:

Increased Strength and Endurance

Pregnancy puts a lot of strain on your body, but physical therapy can help you build strength and endurance in a safe and controlled way. By focusing on exercises that target the muscles used during pregnancy and childbirth, you can stay strong and energetic throughout your pregnancy..

Better Posture and Alignment

Pregnancy can cause changes in your center of gravity, leading to poor posture and alignment. Physical therapy can help you improve their posture and alignment by strengthening the muscles that support the spine and pelvis. This not only helps prevent discomforts but also can improve overall fitness and athletic performance.

Improved Balance and Coordination

As the body changes during pregnancy, it can be challenging to maintain balance and coordination. Physical therapy can help you stay balanced and coordinated by improving proprioception (the ability to sense the body's position in space) and teaching specific exercises that focus on balance and coordination.

Overall, pregnancy physical therapy can be a valuable tool for future moms looking to stay fit and healthy during their pregnancies. By focusing on exercises that support the body during this unique time, women can maintain their fitness levels and prepare their bodies for the demands of childbirth. So, if you're looking for a fitness-focused approach to pregnancy, the R2P team is here to assist along your journey as you build your family! 

Learn more about their Pregnancy and Postpartum physical therapy services at